| 1. | Radiation laboratory and quality assurance 辐射实验室及品质保证 |
| 2. | Analysis of emergency samples at king s park radiation laboratory 京士柏辐射实验室进行应急样本辐射分析 |
| 3. | Operating a network of radiation monitoring stations , an aerial monitoring system , a radiological survey vehicle , a radiation laboratory and an emergency radiation data management system 操作辐射监测网络空中监察系统流动辐射测量站辐射实验室及应急辐射数据管理系统 |
| 4. | Operating a network of radiation monitoring stations , an aerial monitoring system , a radiological survey vehicle , a radiation laboratory and an emergency radiation data management system 操作辐射监测网络、空中监察系统、流动辐射测量站、辐射实验室及应急辐射数据管理系统; |
| 5. | At the same time , additional environmental samples are collected at various sites . the radioactivity in the collected samples is then analyzed at the radiation laboratory at king s park 同时,天文台亦会在不同的巡测地点收集环境样本,并将样本送到京士柏的辐射测量室进行放射性分析。 |
| 6. | The crowding clustering genetic algorithm has been applied to the varied - line - spacing holographic grating design in the national synchrotron radiation laboratory , and achieves satisfactory results 将拥挤聚类遗传算法应用于国家同步辐射实验室变间距全息光栅的设计,取得了满意的效果。 |
| 7. | At the same time , additional environmental samples are collected at various sites . the radioactivity in the collected samples is then analyzed at the radiation laboratory at king s park 同时,天文台亦会在不同的巡测地点收集环境样本,并将样本送到京士柏的辐射测量室进行放射性分析。 |
| 8. | Christopher jillings is the postdoctoral fellow of the kellogg radiation laboratory . he is canadian . he speaks british english , with a sense of humour . he is nice to young students 基里斯杜法尤灵斯是凯洛格幅射实验室的博士后研究员,他是加拿大人。他口操英式英语,富有幽默感,而且对年青学生也极度的用心。 |
| 9. | Starting on july 26th , researchers at the stanford synchrotron radiation laboratory in california , led by uwe bergmann , will attempt to read the final pages of the oldest known manuscript of archimedes ' s work , the archimedes palimpsest 在尤.伯格曼的带领下,加利福尼亚的斯坦福同步加速器辐射实验室的研究人员将于7月26日尝试阅读目前所知的最早的阿基米德著作的手稿- 《阿基米德》重写本-的最后几页内容。 |
| 10. | Regarding the food and water pathway , hko , with the assistance of other government departments , routinely collects representative air , water , soil and food samples figure 2 and analyzes them at hko s radiation laboratory at king s park figure 3 至于监测食物及食水的照射途径方面,天文台在其他政府部门的协助下,定期收集空气水泥土和食物中代表性的样本图2 ,并在位于京士柏的辐射测量室进行分析工作图3 。 |